Add manual approvers for release stages in Multi Stage Pipelines in Azure DevOps

In most of the Organizations, One would need certain approvals before a build can be promoted to one of the release environments. In Azure DevOps, it has always been easy to configure the approvers by configuring the pre-deployment settings in the stage. However, it was not possible to do it for the YAML based pipelines up until now. As we discussed in our previous blog post on how to write multi stage pipelines, we also discussed about the environments. Environments are a very new feature and Read More »

Working with Azure DevOps Pipelines using Command line

One of the new exciting features introduced in Azure DevOps updates is the introduction of ‘az pipelines’ command group. Microsoft has been putting some efforts in writing YAML based pipelines over the last few months and has also recently introduced the ability to do Continuous Integration or Release or define both in one single pipeline. Since Azure Pipelines can now be managed at the command line, you can use it to further introduce the automation that you have created for your organization. In this blog post, we’ll learn how to use ‘az pipelines’ commands to define, initiate and manage Azure pipelines at the command line.
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Run Azure DevOps Private Agents in Kubernetes Clusters

Since in last post, we discussed on how to run Azure Pipelines agents as docker containers and configure them accordingly, the next step would be to run them on the Kubernetes platform. This kubernetes cluster can be on-premise and/or cloud and could be self managed or managed by the cloud service provider itself.

One of the reasons you may want to run them on Kubernetes is because you want better utilization of your kubernetes cluster. Another reason might be to leverage your existing knowledge of the kubernetes platform and work on it. Another reason would be to not use Microsoft hosted agents, as by default you would get only 1800 minutes of agent time to utilize, for free accounts.
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Share variables across definitions in Azure Pipelines by using variable groups

It is easy to create variables in the Azure Pipelines and they make the pipelines more generic in nature. Therefore, we can customize the release steps as per the context of the stage used. Same goes for the build definitions. Now sometimes, it may happen that the variables are common across multiple build and release definitions. In such a case, instead of defining them again and again, we can use a variable group. A variable group allows us to store values that we want to make available across multiple build and release pipelines. It also prevent duplication of values, making it easier to update all occurrences as one operation.
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Create Nuget Packages using CI/CD in Azure Pipelines and push to Azure Artifacts feeds

It has been long since I have written blog post about using Nuget Package feeds in VSTS, which can be found here. I have always wanted to write a follow up blog post about how to use feeds further but I was occupied by other priorities and then it fell off my mind. Since then VSTS has been renamed to Azure DevOps and Package feeds are now known as artifacts feeds. However, other than this, most of the things and functionality has been more or less intact in terms of this feature.

For this who are not aware of the Nuget, it is a technology which works on the principal of the package management and very helpful for code sharing in .NET framework and .NET Core based applications. Read More »

Configure CI/CD in Azure Pipelines to deploy docker containers as Azure Web App

Few days back, we learned about how to publish Azure Container Instances where-in we can deploy either a container or group of containers and use the same. Azure Web App for Containers allows you to not only run your containers but it also brings forth the PaaS innovations for the Web App. So it brings best of the both worlds together. It also allows you to not worry about the maintaining an container orchestrator mechanism. You can prefer to package their code and dependencies into containers using various CI/CD systems like Jenkins, Maven, Travis CI or VSTS, alongside setting up continuous deployment web hooks with App Service.

In this blog post we’ll learn more about how to deploy .NETCore application packaged as docker container and using CI/CD in Azure Pipelines (Formerly VSTS).Read More »

Fail Azure DevOps pipeline if build fail to pass the SonarQube Quality Gate

Using SonarQube extesions from Marketplace for Azure DevOps provides much of the integration functionality between Azure DevOps and SonarQube. Once the build pipeline completes, you can login in SonarQube server and view the code analysis results. Based on the code analysis results against the Quality threshold set or default Quality Gate threshold, it will be assigned a rating. However, there is no way to stop check-in of code, if it fails to passes the Quality Gate criteria. However, we can use some PowerShell and SonarQube Web APIs to do this part for us. In this blog post, we’ll learn steps to do the same.Read More »

Azure DevOps build pipelines fails with error: To use the property “”, the branch plugin is required but not installed.

After upgrading our SonarQube Community version to the newly released version, our build pipelines hosted in the Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS) started failing with below errors:

“02:14:02.317 ERROR: Caused by: Validation of project reactor failed:
o To use the property “”, the branch plugin is required but not installed. See the documentation of branch support:”

We were using the same release branches that we were using earlier and there was no changes made to the build configuration. Read More »