Continuous Integration and Deployment for SQL Database using SSDT and VSTS

The combination of technical and cultural processes behind databases makes automation difficult. Databases has a state associated with them, so you cannot blow them away like application code and create again from scratch without losing the data. Managing change in a way that doesn’t impact the data is very problematic. Combine that with the cultural issues, the silos, it creates a really difficult problem. There are some general best practices that you can apply to tackle a lot of this complexity, but any time you try to design the solution and get into the technicalities, a lot of time you end up implementing something very specific to a particular type of database. In this blog post, we’ll learn how to use SSDT to implement continuous integration and deployment for SQL database Schema to take some of these worries away.

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VSTS Azure SQL Database Deployment task keeps failing with Error: Login failed for user

The task is used to deploy Azure SQL Database to an existing Azure SQL Server, either by using DACPACs or SQL Server scripts. The DACPACs are deployed using SqlPackage.exe and the SQL Server scripts are deployed using the Invoke-Sqlcmd cmdlet. DACPACs and SqlPackage.exe and Invoke-Sqlcmd cmdlet provides for fine-grained control over the database creation and upgrades, including upgrades for schema, triggers, stored procedures, roles, users, extended properties etc. Using the task, multiple different properties can be set to ensure that the database is created or upgraded properly. Read More »