Working with Git and Visual Studio – Merging Changes using Visual Studio

This post is part of the series of posts on the Git and Visual Studio where we are discussing in detail on meaning of basic git operations, how to do them in Git and Visual Studio both and understand the difference of both tools. You can find the previous blog post here.

In previous blog post, we discussed what is Git Merge, types of Merging and how to achieve the same using git native commands. In this blog post, we’ll learn how to do the same by using Visual Studio.

Fast-forward Merge / Simple Merge

First, let’s reset everything back to commit before merge by using git reset –hard so that we can now compare the results how we did in previous post vs using visual studio.

Now check the current git history by going to right click project -> source control -> view history:

Checking history before merge


Now, go to team explorer and select branches. Checkout master branch by double click on it. Click Merge from the menu:

select merge after checking out master branch
Select merge after checking out master branch

Same as Git command, you need to be on master branch (target branch or branch which needs to incorporate source code changes) to merge newQuickFix branch (source branch or branch which has required source code changes):

Fill source branch name and click merge
Fill source branch name and click merge

We can also verify using git history that merge has completed indeed:

merge results after fast forward merge
Merge results after fast forward merge

3-way Merge / Recursive Merge

First, let’s reset everything back to commit before merge by using git reset –hard. Again checkout master branch, click merge, select source branch but this time we’ll uncheck box for ‘commit changes after merging’:

Uncheck 'commit changes after merging' checkbox
Uncheck ‘commit changes after merging’ checkbox

Then we’ll see following window where Visual Studio prints a message asking us that a commit needs to performed explicitly:

result window asking to commit explicitly
Result window asking to commit explicitly

To resolve this, go to home icon in team explorer, select changes and then click merge. This should provide a window like below where we need to click ‘commit staged’ to complete merge operation:

perform commit explicitly to commit merge
Perform commit explicitly to commit merge

As we have seen earlier for recursive merge, git will create a special commit called merge commit of top of last commit. Also there is a graph which shows the commits from other branches:

Checking history after recursive merge
Checking history after recursive merge

Resolve Merge Conflicts

As we have seen in previous blog post that if you changed the same part of the same file differently in the two branches you’re merging together, Git won’t be able to merge them cleanly. At this point, Git will no longer perform auto merging.

To reproduce above scenario, we’ll add a file named Class06.cs to master branch and commit our changes. Note from our previous blog posts that we have also modified this file in the newQuickFix branch. Let’s try to merge these two branches using Visual Studio. It will then inform us that merge operation is in progress and it has encountered conflict for 1 file:

resolving merge conflicts
Resolving merge conflicts

Let’s click on conflict to see which file is causing this issue. We can then decide if we want to keep file which was modified in source or which was modified in target:

resolving merge conflicts - view files causing conflicts
Resolving merge conflicts – view files causing conflicts

We can also choose to compare files which would allow us to see the difference between source and target. Once we have modified file as per our requirement, we can then inform Visual Studio to take the appropriate version and complete merge.

If we now see the git history in the Visual Studio, we would see something like below:

git history after resolving merge conflicts
Git history after resolving merge conflicts


Again, recursive merge is the only strategy followed in case of merge conflicts. So we have a special commit on top of all changes created using merge conflict.

3 thoughts on “Working with Git and Visual Studio – Merging Changes using Visual Studio

  1. Great article. ‘Let’s click on conflict to see which file is causing this issue’ -To resolve conflicts it might be helpful to say we have to click the merge button.


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